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 Formula (2007); Dejan Srhoj & Iska Sukarova 


Formula is a contemporary dance project that was initiated by Dejan Srhoj (Slovenija) and Iskra Sukarova (Macedonia). In the year 2006 they met for a week and created a performance that was presented at Macedonian National Theatre. Since then, the project is being developed through one-week meetings that always conclude in a shape of performance. Open structure enables the artists to re-shape the work, depending on the place they create at, the artists they meet and the collaborators they invite in the project.

Formula is a way of open communication, it is a way of collaboration with different artists and it is a way to create a performance in a short time frame. Formula is the speed we create with and it is the speed we forget with. Formula is to be and on the stage. Formula is a sonet, a square, a diagonal and a recipie.

Formula was presented in Skopje (Macedonia), Orleans (France), Athene (Greece) and Ljubljana. 

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