1:0 - ekipa & press
koreografija: Goran Bogdanovski
ples: Damjan Mohorko, Dejan Srhoj, Goran Tatar, Goran Bogdanovski (Gregor Luštek, Damaas Mithras Thijs)
glasba: Peter Penko, Brahms
oblikovane zvoka: Boris Benko
lučno oblikovanje: Miran Šusteršič
dramaturgija: Mojca Dimec
kostumografija: Metod Črešnar in Dada Volk
scenografija: Tomaž Štrucl & Irena Pivka
tehniki: Igor Remeta in Jasmin Sahimpasic
koprodukcija: Gledališče Glej in SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana
s podporo: Ministrstvo za kulturo Slovenija in Mestna občina Ljubljana
premiera 15.1.2000, SNG Opera in Balet Ljubljana
“U ovoj predstavi se ruše sva pravila klasičnog baleta, posebno kada u sred predstave baletne cipelice zamjene kopačkama. Dok ne vidite, ne možete vjerovati...”
Neda Galijaš, Jutranji list, januar 2000, Zagreb
“Ves nastop je prepleten s humorjem in posebno ironično odmaknjenostjo...”
“Za tren kar srhljiva ponorelost telesa ob glasbi ki strelja!”
Jasna Škrinjar Taufer, Dnevnik, 18 januar 2000, Ljubljana
“Pa naj rečemo, da ni težko narediti zamorjen, a poklicno resnoben in zato avtomatsko sprejemljiv prvenec- ne, kunšt je, če brez odvečnega sprenevedanja ušpičiš burko, ki se giblje na spolzkem terenu med populizmom in Umetnostjo in ki bi za povrh godila tako baletnemu občinstvu in ljubiteljem sodobnega plesa kot naključnemu pasantu. Zabava? To je dosežek.”
Jaša Kramaršič Kacin, Mladina, 24 januar 2000, Ljubljana
“Enourna plesna predstava 1:0 je doslej eno najduhovitejših plesnih del na domačem prizorišču.”
Mojca Kumerdej, Delo, 19 januar 2000, Ljubljana
From Nijinsky to Bogdanovski“
Like anywhere, the big question in Slovenian Ljubljana is: how to entice man into ballet. Success at last: thanks to goran Bogdanovski, dancer and current choreographer with the Slovenian National Ballet. His debut on 15 January was a triumph. "1:0" for Goran, the balletnik. Critics maintained he had broken the rules of classical ballet. Five male dancers in football gear danced on point. It works perfectly with studded boots, which normaly sink into the turf. Bogdanovski`s choice of title "1:0" alloved much scope for interpretation such as " One is None." Male members of the audience were clearly thrilled.”
Ballet-tanz aktuell , The Yearbook 2000, Berlin
“Predstava 1:0 je namreč še en zadetek v polno.......”
“Rezultat je navdušenje, ki ga ni prav nič težko utemeljiti. Predstava nima praznega teka. Kar se dogaja na odru, je ves čas pokrito s preipovedjo,z zgodbo. Koreograf izredno spretno pripoveduje v plesnem jeziku, ne potrebuje pojasnevanja od zunaj, nobenega verbaliziranja. Sposoben je hoditi po tanki črti med blagim humorjem, ironijo in prisrčno samoironijo ter karikiranjem oz. posmehovanjem oz. naduto vzvišenostjo. Iskriva ljubeznivost, povezana s pronicljivo analizo povzdigne to sicer drobno pripoved o fantovskem odraščanju na nepričakovano raven.”
M. Kne, Moda In, junij 2000, Ljubljana
“The public wants to laugh, the absolutely packed hall of the SNG Opera opera-house in Ljubljana is a proof of that. In this temple of pure ballet and serious opera repertoires, a story about longing, poetry and fantastic thoughts on football as the sport, with masses following it on stadiums and in front of the TV sets, was a complete nail on the head.”
Moski svet (monthly), Barbara Drnač, Ljubljana, January 2001
“An hour of absolute fun and almost burlesque ideas. Four equally skilled dancers replace ballet-shoes with football shoes and play soccer, changing the stage into a stadium...”
Jana (weekly), Gusti Leben, June 2000
A Football Dance - Report on a performance by the Slovenian dance group Fičo Balet, which appeared at the Junge Hunde festival in Copenhagen last week. In his success-reaping humorous choreography '1:0', Goran Bogdanovski, Slovenian dancer and choreographer, effectively captured the atmosphere at a football match. The audience can see mental and physical warming-up, dribbling with a fictitious ball and a slow motion replay as seen in television broadcasts.
The highly competent dancers, who are masters of classical ballet as well as modern dance, draw us into their imaginative world where they achieve success by expressing themselves through flamenco, dancing on skates - with hybrid ballet/football boots on their feet.
They slowly return to a less euphoric reality where the game can begin again. A wonderful score for Slovenia.
Berlingske Tidende, Copenhagen, March 2002
Artist Of The Year In The Field Of Dance / Goran Bogdanovski For The Choreography Of 1:0
“With his choreography of the 1:0 performance, dancer Goran Bogdanovski proved that Slovene contemporary dance can be humorous." His answer "Who cares," to the question regarding the definition of contemporary dance proves it is the idea and the interpretation that matter.”
(honour given by Ljubljana weekly, Nedelo, in January 2001)
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